Great Googly Moogly!


Our friend Daddy Long Legs–yeah the singer/harmonica player for the fabulous blues wailing act called Daddy Long Legs–is also a keen record collector and DJ. He has a semi-regular night (when he is not on tour) at the Palace, a pub up in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The joint asked him to DJ for the evening of Friday October 25. He subsequently asked Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus to to be his guest DJ on that night. Since the evening had a close proximity to one of our favorite holidays, Halloween, a preponderance of spooky-themed records was called for. Because Mr. Daddy is a blues wailer, extra blues records were packed in the play box.


Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus and DJ Daddy Long Legs swing!

The Boogaloo Bag has discussed the activities of (Brian) Daddy Long Legs before, and we point the faithful reader to a previous Boogaloo Bag entry.


DJ Daddy Long Legs has a handful of records to play.

The night noted above was set up to be another fabulous DJ night that everyone was excited about. However, it did not take place without some controversy. It seemed that the Palace was double-booked. Luckily, the owner of the place also owns another joint not too far away and DJ Daddy Long Legs and the Boogaloo Omnibus were shifted to it: The A-Bar on Manhattan Avenue.


The Crawling Hand and the Creeping Brain made an appearance on the A-Bar bar top at midnight!


DJ Daddy Long Legs goofs with the Crawling Hand.


Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus swings with the space ship from Mars.


Miss Nancy’s chocolate eyeball cookies and signature vegan brownies were in the house.

The evening turned out to be a pre-Halloween extravaganza. Miss Nancy baked eyeball cookies and brought along some of her pets: a crawling hand and a creeping brain; plus a new one, a flying saucer. DJ Daddy Long Legs played some most excellent records. Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus debuted his new Mystic Eye fez from Fezorama. Our pal DJ Jumpy was on hand to join in on the madness.


DJ Jumpy dropped by to lend a “hand” to the festivities. 

Here’s a list of all the records played by Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus at DJ Daddy Long Legs’ Boss Records Night:

None of these records are for sale. Some of them may have clips to the youtubes in order to quench the readers curiosity.
