Post and Phast go Pop!

Phast PHreddie, Mikey Post and Pete Pop swing at Do The 45!

DJ Pete Pop’s magnificent Go-Go night called Do The 45 returned to action a couple months ago after taking a sabbatical over the summer. Unfortunately, due to competing obligations, The Boogaloo Bag writers couldn’t attend some of them. However, the recent Do The 45, which took place on November 10 at Quinn’s in Beacon, was a doozy. Mr. Pop asked our friend Mikey Post of Daptone Records fame to drop in as official guest DJ. He did, and he played some fantastic records! Mister Pop also asked Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus to fall in with a box of platters and he complied.

Mikey Post, as the avid Boogaloo Bag reader knows, has fabulous records. He’s got some really great soul records—we’ll hear them next month in Lancaster at the Keystone State Northern Soul Weekender—and he also has some pretty boss garage records; we heard much of the latter at the Do The 45.

DJ Pete Pop continues to astound us with the heavy, heavy records he has. Go-Go dancer Sheba Shake wowed folks with her artistic gyrations. Miss Nancy made pumpkin cookies and vegan brownies—they were gone by the end of the night. The one thing that made the night even more special was this: a bunch of our friends from up and down the Hudson Valley came out to dance, hang out and dig the scene. Thanks, friends.

Our beautiful friends swing at Do The 45!!

Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus played these records:

None of these records are for sale.

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