Astro Girl swings at Funky Kingston!

Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus and Leah Beth (Astro Girl) swing at The Funky Kingston

The Funky Kingston takes place on the fifth Saturday of the month. In the year 2024 there are four. The first one fell on March 30. For a guest DJ, host Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus rounded up an old friend from the DJ Wars in New York City—Leah Beth. She used to be a regular guest DJ at the Subway Soul Club, Smashed! Blocked! and other fine DJ nights. Plus she was in such cool bands as The Dancettes, The Nouvellas, PMS and the Mood Swings and Habibi. Also, she has worked as a back-up singer for various Daptone acts. She’s very hip and has been involved with some fabulous stuff so we like to call her “Astro Girl.” Not only that, but she’s got great records and she brought a box of them to the Salt Box and played them for The Funky Kingston faithful. Leah Beth has a place up in the Hudson Valley somewhere, so we hope to see more of her.

For this occasion, Miss Nancy baked some vegan brownies and pecan tassies. By the end of the night, all of them were gone. We were also happy to see many of our local Hudson Valley friends drop in to hang out for a spell—and eat Miss Nancy’s vittles!

Some Hudson Valley pals swing at The Funky Kingston!
More Hudson Valley friends!!
Miss Nancy digs the Bat Signal as her vittles await to be devoured at The Funky Kingston!

Without a doubt, The Funky Kingston is the bossest event happening in Ulster Country. Folks come from all over to dig the hot rhythms laid down by The Boog and his guest DJs. The next fifth Saturday is June 29. If you live in the area, mark it on your calendar on your iPhone, iPad, iBook or whatever iCrap you have so you don’t miss out. If you live far away, come up to Kingston and make a weekend of it. Kingston has some excellent restaurants, art galleries, antique stores and record stores. June would be a great time to do so.

Here’s a list of all the records played by Phast Phreddie the Boogaloo Omnibus at The Funky Kingston:

None of these records are for sale.

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